Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Good day fellow psychonauts.  Today I shall be discussing a wonderful research chem known as 25c-nbome. To start off it is a psychedelic phenethylamine and is an analogue of 2c-c. But much more potent being active in about 100 micrograms. Nearly as potent as LSD. The effects of the drug last for the usual nbome length of 6-8 hours. The visual effects include effects almost identical to LSD. Which include tracers,  visual patterning, waving or melting,  objects melting into other objects and level 3.5 psychedelic closed eye visuals including 3 dimensional shapes and panoramic views of landscapes cities people etc.  Although these are different for everyone these are many common visuals. Other effects include euphoria gentle but pleasant body buzzing,  slight vasoconstriction, empathy,  increased giggling and laughing, and forgetfulness as with most psychedelics.  Not much along the lines of spirituality with this chem but it does have potential if mixed with other chemicals. (WARNING: MIXING DRUGS CAN BE DANGEROUS DO YOUR RESEARCH). My own experience with this psychedelic is quite vast but I wouldn't really say I know what it is until I explore it more. A short but sweet post for you guys... Disclaimer time

I do not condone using any illegal or legal drugs mentioned in this post drugs are bad mkay?

Friday, March 14, 2014

25i-NBOMe (2c-I-NBOMe

So this is going to be a different sort of post. A personal experience post and factual post. To start I'd like to that 25i is a phenethylamine that has effects very similar to LSD which is a tryptamine. This drug is a research chemical meaning it has not to much studies done on humans or animals. The drug is also a derivative of 2c-I which is a phenethylamine of course. And from my understanding was created by Alexander shulgin (my idol). The effects of 25i-NBOMe when compared to 2C-I are more similar to LSD this would be because it's interaction with the 5-ht2a receptors in the brain. Although LSD also interacts with other receptors which is why LSD is such a unique compound.

I for one have some experience with this compound as well as LSD. The effect visual-wise are almost indistinguishable, although I felt that 25i had visuals that seem more industrial and LSD or more natural. 25i of course also has tracers those things we all love. I like to call tracers eye lag. In my experience this substance is very introspective and spiritual. A lot like LSD. Though I feel the thought process of LSD are more creative and childish and 25i has this philosophical but at the same time industrialistic thoughts. Though the drug may seem wonderful and it definitely is, there are many complaints. The whole trip felt like there was a weight on my body. Also known as body load. The feeling of being very heavy. Which is annoying to me but some like it. The vascoconstriction is my least favourite part. This causes my hands and feet to feel very cold and my muscle in my legs were very cramped. (Caution penis reference) the vascoconstriction seemed to make me not have the ability to achieve an erection, or at least it took some work :P. But flaccid penises aside the drug is definitely something to write home about.
I felt one with the universe and with my mind. Which is my main reason for using these compounds. I use them as tools to explore the inner mechnination of my mind. To Learn how consciousness works.

If you guys like posts like this with personal experiences please comment below and I may continue to write about them. And as always I do not recommend anybody use these compounds I highly advise against it, especially since this is a research chemical it is by no means safe for human consumption as far as we know. But if you are going to use this drug or any research chemical I highly advise you use extreme caution when regarding dosage and route of administration since some people have overdosed on this drug specifically when they insufflated the drug and couldn't measure micrograms with their eyes. (Not very wise if u ask me). So all of you psychonauts please excersize extreme caution when using these compounds. Peace out people.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Diacetylmorphine (Heroin)

Heroin. Horse, smack, H, dope. One of the most popular and most deadly drugs of choice for humans. Heroins chemical name is diacetylmorphine. The drug is a morphine derivative making it a semi-synthetic opioid with a strength 2-3 times stronger than morphine. The drug gives the user a euphoric feeling like no other drug. Well hydromorphone being that exception. The main forms of heroin are west coast black tar heroin, the UK brown heroin base, and east coast H#4. Which is the hcl form of heroin. H4 is the most potent form of heroin and the most clean. Black tar being the worst form of heroin. It is very crudely made in Mexico. It is an atrocity of a drug. It is the most unsafe heroin to inject or use at all.

The most common way to ingest heroin in more recent times is to snort it. This is also a much safer way of doing the drug since the bioavailability is much lower than intravenous use. The route of administration known as pluggin or anal administration is also gaining a lot of popularity due to the "rush" many people get and since it is more efficient than snorting the drug.

Some science stuff on the drug. Heroin is a CNS depressant meaning it depresses the central nervous system. And causes euphoria and sedation throughout the users body. The effects last around 2-6 hours depending on the route of administration used.

Heroin starts as a beautiful plant papaver somniferum. Or the opium poppy. The drug that is taken from the poppy is opium. Opium is then put through a chemical process to isolate the morphine in it then another chemical process is done to make diacetylmorphine. A process known as acetyling. 

Heroin is one of the, if not the, most addictive drug on the planet. It causes thousands of deaths every year. And causes some addicts to go to incredible lengths to get money to purchase their drugs. This includes stealing from family friends and even innocent people.

Despite popular belief there is much medical use for diacetylmorphine. The use for heroin would be the same as morphine. Except I believe it should only be used in hospitals seeing how fentanyl is used I dont see why heroin should not be used.

Medical efficiency and safety rating: 8-10

There is much undiscovered potential for the drug and I believe it is very much worth looking into.

Recreational safety: 3-10

The drug on the street is extremely unclean and the processes used to make the drug are very crude. But if one obtained pharmaceutical heroin which is unlikely the rating would be: 9-10. It would be much safer due to the ability to actually measure your dose and be able to to use different ROA's to increase safety of the drug. As I always say I do not condone the use of drugs in any way and I high advise against it but if you are to do the drug there are many harm reduction websites such as blue light forums and drugs forum. Those are both 2 very good and reputable sources for harm reduction. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Alprazolam (xanax)

Alprazolam, xanax, bars. The drug goes by many names. And is becoming a very popular drug to use on the street. It is being sold on the black market and a lot of teens are using it. And can be very dangerous, especially when combined with other drugs especially central nervous system depressants. Which is also what alprazolam is. But more specifically it is in the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. Sharing this name with drugs like diazepam, clonazepam, etc.

The drugs medical effects are to treat things like anxiety, depressive disorder and insomnia. The drug is also being sold wrongly to patients by many doctors who wanna make a quick buck although that is becoming less common in more recent years. 

The appeal to people who use the drug recreationally is when you have a low tolerance a high dose causes extreme sedation and calmness, sometimes euphoria but that is much less common. On the street the drug is sold in either 1 or 2 milligram bars. Something else that appeals to the younger crowd is the short duration of the drug. Although that also depends on the dosage. Not to mention the price of the drug is relatively cheap at 5 dollars per tablet. 

Now on to the science :)

Alprazolam's exact mechanism of action is unknown. However, it is presumed to work by enhancing the effects of the body's GABA (Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid). GABA is the nervous system's primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, found in the brain and spinal cord. GABA tells the neurons that it contacts to slow down or stop firing, and this has a general calming and quieting effect on the brain. Alprazolam and other benzodiazepines enhance the activity of already existing GABA. Contrary to popular belief, they do not increase the nervous system's biological synthesis of GABA.


Alprazolam typically comes in four different strengths: 0.25 mg (white), 0.5 mg (peach), 1.0 mg (blue), 2.0 mg (white), although generic brands can be other dosages as well. An extended-release version (Xanax XR) is also available, in capsules of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 milligrams.  An average adult dose is typically 0.5-3 mg per day, with a maximum dosage of 4 mg daily. Tolerance develops very quickly; those who take it on a daily basis may find they need to increase their dosage in order to get the same effects.

That being said, the drug only has its recreational effects at very high doses. And by very high doses I mean 2000ug. Which in retrospect it is not a very high dose but then again the drug is active in micrograms making it relatively dangerous.


Street price is often US$5 per 2 mg tablet (2004). The 0.5 peach tablets are rarely seen on the black market, and the 0.25 tablets are even rarer. Prescription prices vary depending upon location, insurance, generic or brand, etc.

On to the ratings for recreational and medical use safety,

I give it a 6 out of 10.

Mainly due to the potential for abuse I make the rating a lot lower. 

As for recreational safety I give it also a 6 out of 10. This is because the drug on the street you know what you're getting. You can measure your dose. And you are able to monitor what you're taking. Though users must take extreme caution because of the potential for addiction. And that it is still easy to over do the drug. As always I HIGHLY advise against the use of all potentially dangerous drugs and that I do not condone any drug use in any way shape or form. I will not be posting any chemistry information anymore, mainly because most people reading this are probably not chemistry majors. Unless I am told to do so in the future I will not be doing such.

The topic for tomorrow Will be on psilocybin containing mushrooms.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Desomorphine (krokodil)

Desomorphine, commonly known as krokodil, is a codeine derived opiate. It's has gained popularity due to the very crudely made product in Russia where it is synthesized with iodine and red phosphorus. This form of the drug is an extremely toxic and dangerous substance. Very popular for it's flesh eating properties. The drug will usually only consume muscle tissue. Therefore when a user injects the drug and misses a vein the drug then eats away at the muscle tissue.

The drug was first pattented in 1932 it was originally a derivative of morphine but the recent popularity it has gained since 2010 in Russia, the drug has been being derived from codeine. The drug in the United states is a schedule one drug meaning it has no medical value which leaves with other drugs such as heroin MDMA and marijuana. 

The drugs similarity to morphine suggests that it is a potent mu opioid agonist. The drugs effects are said to be most similar to diacetylmorphine aka heroin, but is said to have a much shorter duration. The addiction potential for the drug is obviously high just like any opiate is. As for the safety of the drug, the Russian street form of the drug is just absolutely abysmal. This form of the drug is absolutely not safe for human consumption... the drug is known for its flesh eating effects when injected into muscle tissue. As for the pharmaceutical grade desomorphine, safety is debatable, it's about as safe as heroin is. Pharmaceutical heroin for that matter, which when taken at medical doses when prescribed by a doctor is relatively safe. Of course it is only used medically in certain countries. But of course the recreational safety is about a 2 out of 10. I think I will use this scale from now on to evaluate the recreational and medical safety of a drug. Though in no way am I condoning or trying to justify the recreational use of these substances I am just giving my opinion on the safety. These substances are dangerous and addictive and are in no way a good thing. 

Do I see any medical value in desomorphine? Yes I do actually I see that if it's regulated to only be in hospitals in can be used in a similar fashion in which we use drugs such as morphine, hydromorphone, and oxycodone right now.

As for the recreational use. I dont reccomend it. I HIGHLY advise against. I know I've said this but this drug on the street is extremely dangerous. Extremely deadly and addictive.

The following is directly from the erowid website (the link for the vault for desomorphine will be at the bottom of the post) this is for all the chemistry enthusiasts out there. I myself am not a chemist so you can have fun looking at all the complicated formulas and what not :).

From the Merck Index 12th Edition

2972. Desomorphine. 4,5a-Epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3-ol; dihydrodesoxymorphine-D; Permonid. C17H21N02; mol wt 271.36. C 75.25%. H 7.80%. N 5.16%. O 11.79%. Synthesis. physical data: L. F. Small et al., J. Am. Chern. Soc. 55, 3863 (1933).

Rectangular plates from acetone-water. Sublimes in high vacuum between 140C and 170C. (Anhydr base mp 189C). [alpha]28/D - 77C (c = 1.6 in methanol). Sol in acetone. ethyl acetate. Alcoholic solns darken and acquire a reddish color.

Hemihydrate, crystals from ethyl acetate. mp 162-164C. [alpha]28/D - 79C (c = 1.08 in ethyl acetate).

Hydrochloride. C17H21N02.HCl, crystals from alcohol. [alpha]27/D -67C (c = 0.90). Very soluble in water.

Hydrogen sulfate dihydrate. (C17H21N02) 2 .H2S04.2H20. scales. plates from water, brown at 210C, unmelted at 230C. Sol in 40 parts water; freely sol in hot water. Soln is stable to boiling. [alpha]29/D - 60C (c = 1.43).

Note: This is a controlled substance (opium derivative) listed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 21 Part 1308. II (J 995). THERAP CAT: Analgesic (narcotic).


Tomorrows post will be on alprazolam aka xanax.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Introduction to John's Pharmacopeia

Hello, my name is John and I'm an aspiring toxicologist pharmacist and neuroscientist. I enjoy the study mainly of psychoactive drugs with emphasis on CNS depressants and psychadelics. I enjoy studying the effects they have on the human body and the possible medical value of certain substances that have not yet been approved of having any medical value or have not been closely studied or injested by any humans. My reasoning for creating this blog is to express my opinions, findings, and to show people true information on certain substances. Some information posted can be considered false in the future once I post about certain research chemicals such as 25i-NBOMe and drugs similar to such. The reason it may be considered false would be because of more research being done on such substances. I plan to make a post ever day on a different drug every day. Not only will psychoactives be written about but drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen maybe be mentioned to express dangers of over usage and risk of overdose. As for the length of each post. I cannot be certain seeing how I will be posting off of a smart phone. I do plan to post any and all information I have on the substances. My main source of information will be
Seeing how this is the most reputable source for this information. Everyday I will say what chemical I will be posting about the next day. For now I will be signing off have a lovely evening.
Tomorrow's post will be about desomorphine aka krokodil.