Friday, March 14, 2014

25i-NBOMe (2c-I-NBOMe

So this is going to be a different sort of post. A personal experience post and factual post. To start I'd like to that 25i is a phenethylamine that has effects very similar to LSD which is a tryptamine. This drug is a research chemical meaning it has not to much studies done on humans or animals. The drug is also a derivative of 2c-I which is a phenethylamine of course. And from my understanding was created by Alexander shulgin (my idol). The effects of 25i-NBOMe when compared to 2C-I are more similar to LSD this would be because it's interaction with the 5-ht2a receptors in the brain. Although LSD also interacts with other receptors which is why LSD is such a unique compound.

I for one have some experience with this compound as well as LSD. The effect visual-wise are almost indistinguishable, although I felt that 25i had visuals that seem more industrial and LSD or more natural. 25i of course also has tracers those things we all love. I like to call tracers eye lag. In my experience this substance is very introspective and spiritual. A lot like LSD. Though I feel the thought process of LSD are more creative and childish and 25i has this philosophical but at the same time industrialistic thoughts. Though the drug may seem wonderful and it definitely is, there are many complaints. The whole trip felt like there was a weight on my body. Also known as body load. The feeling of being very heavy. Which is annoying to me but some like it. The vascoconstriction is my least favourite part. This causes my hands and feet to feel very cold and my muscle in my legs were very cramped. (Caution penis reference) the vascoconstriction seemed to make me not have the ability to achieve an erection, or at least it took some work :P. But flaccid penises aside the drug is definitely something to write home about.
I felt one with the universe and with my mind. Which is my main reason for using these compounds. I use them as tools to explore the inner mechnination of my mind. To Learn how consciousness works.

If you guys like posts like this with personal experiences please comment below and I may continue to write about them. And as always I do not recommend anybody use these compounds I highly advise against it, especially since this is a research chemical it is by no means safe for human consumption as far as we know. But if you are going to use this drug or any research chemical I highly advise you use extreme caution when regarding dosage and route of administration since some people have overdosed on this drug specifically when they insufflated the drug and couldn't measure micrograms with their eyes. (Not very wise if u ask me). So all of you psychonauts please excersize extreme caution when using these compounds. Peace out people.

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