Monday, March 3, 2014

Diacetylmorphine (Heroin)

Heroin. Horse, smack, H, dope. One of the most popular and most deadly drugs of choice for humans. Heroins chemical name is diacetylmorphine. The drug is a morphine derivative making it a semi-synthetic opioid with a strength 2-3 times stronger than morphine. The drug gives the user a euphoric feeling like no other drug. Well hydromorphone being that exception. The main forms of heroin are west coast black tar heroin, the UK brown heroin base, and east coast H#4. Which is the hcl form of heroin. H4 is the most potent form of heroin and the most clean. Black tar being the worst form of heroin. It is very crudely made in Mexico. It is an atrocity of a drug. It is the most unsafe heroin to inject or use at all.

The most common way to ingest heroin in more recent times is to snort it. This is also a much safer way of doing the drug since the bioavailability is much lower than intravenous use. The route of administration known as pluggin or anal administration is also gaining a lot of popularity due to the "rush" many people get and since it is more efficient than snorting the drug.

Some science stuff on the drug. Heroin is a CNS depressant meaning it depresses the central nervous system. And causes euphoria and sedation throughout the users body. The effects last around 2-6 hours depending on the route of administration used.

Heroin starts as a beautiful plant papaver somniferum. Or the opium poppy. The drug that is taken from the poppy is opium. Opium is then put through a chemical process to isolate the morphine in it then another chemical process is done to make diacetylmorphine. A process known as acetyling. 

Heroin is one of the, if not the, most addictive drug on the planet. It causes thousands of deaths every year. And causes some addicts to go to incredible lengths to get money to purchase their drugs. This includes stealing from family friends and even innocent people.

Despite popular belief there is much medical use for diacetylmorphine. The use for heroin would be the same as morphine. Except I believe it should only be used in hospitals seeing how fentanyl is used I dont see why heroin should not be used.

Medical efficiency and safety rating: 8-10

There is much undiscovered potential for the drug and I believe it is very much worth looking into.

Recreational safety: 3-10

The drug on the street is extremely unclean and the processes used to make the drug are very crude. But if one obtained pharmaceutical heroin which is unlikely the rating would be: 9-10. It would be much safer due to the ability to actually measure your dose and be able to to use different ROA's to increase safety of the drug. As I always say I do not condone the use of drugs in any way and I high advise against it but if you are to do the drug there are many harm reduction websites such as blue light forums and drugs forum. Those are both 2 very good and reputable sources for harm reduction. 

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